
Wicked single cover artwork
Cover Art by Tres Corderos

by The Cause2k

About the track.

About the track.

In his debut on the Highs, Mids, Lows music project, TheCause2k wastes no time describing the ills of the world in one word, “Wicked.”  The title of the track is as direct as the message in the song delivered with blunt honesty by the veteran emcee.  He even posing the question why are so many places and people, wicked?

“Wicked” was produced and arranged by N.A.B.S as the duo would go on to collaborate on multiple releases on the HML and other music projects.  The masterful music video was created by Art & Animation Director Gustavo Corderos.  The visual is so intricate that it must be watched multiple times to see all the subtle details of the production.

These devils are wicked” – TheCause2k





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